New Patients

Connected Family Chiropractic offers chiropractic, including specific prenatal and pediatric care, acupuncture, and nutrition + lab testing services in La Crescent, MN and the greater Coulee Region including La Crosse, Onalaska, Holmen, Caledonia and Spring Grove. We also partner with Little Bird Lactation to provide you massage therapy and private practice lactation services from a board certified lactation consultant.


What to Expect

Welcome to Connected Family Chiropractic! We strive for every patient to feel comfortable and at ease in our office, so you will always be treated like family.

On your first visit, we want to determine if this is the right place for you. You will sit down and have a consultation with Dr. Kasey and discuss what's brought you in and why you've chosen to get help today. Then Dr. Kasey will perform a thorough chiropractic examination that will assess movement and function of your spine and extremities and determine the cause of what brought you into our office. Pending the results of your examination, you will then receive your first chiropractic adjustment in our office.

Our office is moving towards being completely digital! After you book your new patient appointment, you will receive the new patient paperwork in your email to complete at home prior to your first visit.


Payment Options

Connected Family Chiropractic believes in affordable access to care, and we have maintained a pricing structure that allows care for all different sizes of families and budgets. We see many families in the office, and we are determined to make the chiropractic lifestyle as easy and affordable as possible.

Our main objective is to determine your health goals and if our office is the best place for you to achieve those goals. During your first visit, you will meet with the doctor, discuss your goals in receiving care in our office, and receive a thorough chiropractic evaluation. A customized care plan will then be created specific to YOU and your health goals!

We work with most major insurance networks, but we encourage you to call and check your benefits with your insurance company prior to your first visit.


Will Insurance Cover My Visits?

Third-party insurances (such as United Healthcare, Quartz and BCBS), Medicare, and Medicaid plans only pay for active/corrective treatment of musculoskeletal complaints. They do not cover maintenance therapy.

Once your condition has stabilized, and there’s no expectation of continued improvement, further treatment is considered maintenance therapy and is not covered.

Maintenance/Wellness Care

Services that promote health and prolong and enhance the quality of life, or maintain or prevent deterioration of a chronic condition. When further clinical improvement cannot reasonably be expected from continuous ongoing care, and chiropractic treatment becomes supportive rather than corrective in nature, treatment is then considered maintenance therapy.


Will Insurance Cover My Child’s Visits?

Insurance considers chiropractic services for children medically necessary if complaints are related to neuro-musculoskeletal symptoms involving the spine and extremities. Examples of symptoms include headaches, neck pain, back pain, upper or lower extremity injury, etc.

Non-musculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to, constipation, reflux, difficulty sleeping, nursing issues, behavioral issues, and ear infections, may show improvement under chiropractic care, but are not considered medically necessary chiropractic issues eligible for insurance submission/reimbursement.


Discover Your Path to Wellness

Book your appointment today for personalized healthcare solutions!
